The effectiveness of meaning training on the domains of life quality among mothers of children with special needs

Document Type : Original Research



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of meaning training on the domains of life quality among mothers of children with special needs in Borazjan, Iran. 222 mothers completed the Question-nire of World Health Organization Quality of Life. 40 mothers were selected randomly from among those who were one standard deviation below the mean. These mothers were then randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. After administering a pre-test to both groups, the meaning training which lasted for 10 weekly 90-minute sessions was carried out in the experimental group. A follow-up study was run a month later. The data were analyzed using MANCOVA & ANCOVA. The results revealed a significant improvement in the domains of life quality in the experimental group over the control group. The results also showed that physical health, social relationships and psychological health had improved in the meaning training group, though the training did not have any effect on the environmental health domain. The follow-up results showed the usefulness of meaning training on the domains of quality of life.


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