Investigating the relationship of women's being exposed to violence and their psychological traits in Zahedan

Document Type : Original Research



The present study aims to examine the relationship between women’s being exposed to violence and their psychological traits.The convenient sample included 80 women who, due to family disputes, referred to family court and conciliation centers in Zahedan and volunteered to participate in the study. To collect the data, the Million Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III) and Violence Toward Women Inventory were used. The data were analyzed using simple correlation and stepwise regression technique. The findings indicated that psychological traits, major depresssion, schizoid and paranoid predicted psycho-logical violence while major depression and anxiety predicted women’s physical violence. However, none of the women’s psycho-logical traits predicted sexual and econo-mical violence against them. Results of the current study provided empirical evidence that women’s psychological traits may have an impact on the incident of violence against them.


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