The relationship of body image and friendliness behavior with marital satisfaction in couples

Document Type : Original Research



Marital satisfaction is considered as one of the important factors that influence the mental health and life quality of couples. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of body image and friendliness behavior  with marital satisfaction in couples. The research convenient sample consisted of 205 couples living in Ardebil. The participants completed the Multidime-nsional Body Self Relation Questionnaire (MBSRQ), the Friendliness Behavior Scale (SACRAL) and the Salehi Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire (SMSQ). The results showed that body image and friendliness behavior had a significantly positive correlation with marital satisfaction. Also, the results of multivariate regression analysis showed that variables of body image and friendliness behavior could explain 42 per cent of marital satisfaction in couples. It is concluded that the body image and friendliness behavior have an influence on couples' marital satisfaction.


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