The effectiveness of positive parent training in reducing conduct problems of children and maternal stress of their mothers

Document Type : Original Research



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of positive parent training in reducing conduct problems of children and maternal stress of their mothers. The statistical population of the study was all 4-6 year kindergarten children with conduct problems in Ahwaz. The sample was selected using multistage sampling method. At first 8 kindergartens were randomly selected, whose teachers then received training on  conduct problems symptoms. They then completed the teacher from of the Rutter’s Children's Behavior Questionnaire (RCBQ) for children who had those symptoms. From 120 questionnaires completed by teachers, 30 questionnaires were randomly selected from among those who got higher scores on Conduct Problems rather than Emotional Problems subscales. They were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The Rutter’s Children's Behavior Questionnaire (RCBQ)–the Teacher Form and Parental Stress Index (PCI) were used to collect the data. The hypotheses were tested by multivariate analysis of covariance. The results showed that positive parent training decreased conduct problems and maternal stress (p<0/001). A follow up study showed that the effect lasted for 1 month. The results of the study are discussed in detail.


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