The Adolescence's Happiness in Different Family Types Based on the Contextual Family Process and Content Model

Document Type : Original Research



The purpose of this study was to exam the happiness among different family types based on Family Process and Content Model (FPC Model). The sample of the study consisted of 312 high school students in Shiraz. Sampling method was cluster sampling. Self-Report Family Process Scale (SFPS), Self-Report Family Content Scale (SFCS), and Oxford Happiness Inventory (OHI) were used in this study. The results of MANOVA revealed that there is a significant difference among family types in happiness. Also the results showed that there are significant differences among family types in different dimensions of Oxford Happiness Inventory: life satisfaction, efficacy, health, and positive manner. In sum, the research clarified that family processes is an important factor to determine the happiness in high school students.


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Volume 1, Vol.1 NO.1
September 2011
Pages 3-20
  • Receive Date: 14 November 2010
  • Revise Date: 25 December 2010
  • Accept Date: 26 February 2011