The Comparison of Resiliency, Mental Health, Aggression and Academic Performance of Female Students of Divorced and Non-Divorced Families

Document Type : Original Research



The objective of the present study was comparing resiliency, mental health, aggression and academic performance of the female students of divorce and non-divorced families in Ahvaz, controlling for the socio-economic status. The population of this study consisted of female students of divorce and non-divorce families in Ahvaz. The samples of divorce and non-divorced groups consisted of 44 female high school students each, who were selected by multistage sampling method. The instruments used in this study were the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, General Health Questionnaire, Ahvaz Aggression Inventory and the grade point average of the school year of 1388-89. Also, the results of MANCOVA revealed that there was a significant difference between resiliency of the students from divorced and non-divorced families. The mental health of the students from divorced families was less than that of non-divorced families. Also, depression and physical symptoms of the students from divorced families were higher than the intact families. Social performance of students from divorced families was less than that of non-divorced group, but the anxiety of the divorced group was not more than that of non-divorced one. In addition, the aggression of the students from divorced families was more than that of non-divorced families. Also, anger-nervousness and attack-insulting factors of the divorced group were more than that of non-divorced one, but obstinacy-hatred factor of the divorced group was not more than that of non-divorced one. Finally, academic performance of the students from divorced background was less than the intact group.


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