The Relationship between Marital Conflict and Parental Monitoring with Academic Motivation in First Graders of Ahwaz High Schools



The present study was conducted to examine the relationship between marital conflict and parental monitoring with academic motivation in the first graders of Ahwaz high schools. The sample consisted of 481 students (77 males and 404 females) selected randomly according to multistage sampling method. The scales used in this study were the Parental Marital Conflict Scale, the Parental Monitoring Scale (PMS), and the General School Information Measure (GSIM). Simple and multiple correlations and the Soble test were used to analyze the data. The results indicated a significantly negative correlation between marital conflict and academic motivation as well as a significantly positive correlation between parental monitoring and academic motivation. The results suggested that parental monitoring mediated in the relationship between marital conflict and academic motivation. Thus, the present study identified one possible parenting process through which marital conflict may affect academic motivation. 


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