The Effects of Family Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in the Reduction of Anxiety in Children with Anxiety Disorders



Anxiety problems are among the most common psychiatric disorders experienced by children. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an efficacious treatment for youths with anxiety disorders. The aim of this research was to study the effects of Family Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (FCBT) on the reduction of anxiety in anxious children. This study was carried out based on a multiple baseline. The subjects were 3 female children with anxiety disorders and their mothers who were selected by K-SADS-PL clinical interview. The subjects received the Family Cognitive-Behavioral (FCBT) therapy for 14-16 sessions. The assessment tools included: the Spence Children Anxiety Scale (SCAS) both child and parent forms, as well as the Coping Questionnaire (child and parent forms). The findings showed that the Family Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (FCBT) was effective in the reduction of  anxiety and in increasing coping skills. A follow up study indicated an improvement in the symptoms and coping abilities. It is concluded that the Family Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy can increase the coping abilities and can also result in the reduction of anxiety.


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