The Effects of Group Solution-focused Counseling in Reducing Parent-child Conflicts in Adolescents



Conflict is an undeniable component of family relationships and using effective methods of conflict reduction is necessary. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of solution-focused counseling in reducing parent-child conflicts among adolescents in Karaj, Iran. 180 students completed the Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS). 30 students were selected randomly from among those who were one standard deviation above the mean. The students were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. After administering the pre-test to both groups, the solution-focused counseling which lasted for 8 weekly 90- minute sessions was carried out in the experimental group. The data were analyzed using MONCOVA & ANCOVA. The results showed that the solution-focused counseling not only decreased verbal aggression and physical aggression but also it promoted the reasoning ability in the subjects.


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