The comparison of marital satisfaction and quality of life between fertile and infertile women



This study was carried out to compare the quality of life (physical state, mental and emotional state, stress, life enjoyment & overall quality of life) and marital satisfa-ction in fertile and infertile women. The subjects consisted of 92 fertile and 92 infertile women referring to Imam knomeini Infertility Treatment Clinic in Ahvaz. They were selected using available sampling and the causal-comprative method was utilized. They completed two questionnaires (Enriching and Nurturing Relationship Issues Communication Happiness (ENRICH) and Epstein Health, Wellness & Quality of life Questionnaire (EHWQLQ). The data were analyzed using MANOVA. The findings showed that there was a significant difference in quality of life (physical state, mental and emotional state, stress & overall quality of life) and marital satisfaction between the two groups. Infertile women showed lower levels of quality of life and marital satisfaction.

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