Codifying and Examine Psychometric Properties of Marital Sexual Function Scale(MSFS)

Document Type : practical



The goal of this study was to develop and evaluate the psychometric of the properties of the Marital Sexual Function Scale (MSFS). Utilizing the opinions of 6 expert professors, the face validity and the content validity of the items were investigated. The scale was then conducted on two groups of married people in two stages.  In the first stage was administered to 364 people and the results were utilized for the confirmatory factor analysis. In the second stage, to assess the reliability of the scale, it was readministered to 50 of the same people after a period of five weeks. The Construct validity of the scale was investigated using the answers given to the Larson's Sexual Satisfaction Scale by the sample.  According to the confirmatory factor analysis, the 7-factor scale was confirmed.  The results of the internal consistency of the MSFS revealed that the components of the scale, including sexual partnership, sexual assertiveness, sexual and emotional excitement, sexual desire, sexual realization, sexual attitudes and sexual awareness were all of a good internal consistency. A test- retest method also showed that was a reliable scale.  Also, a significantly positive correlation between the scores of the Larson's scale and the MSFS indicated the construct, validity of the MSFS. According to the results, This scale is of a good reliability and validity and can be confidently used as a measuring tool in investigating sexual relations.


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