The relationship between attachment to God, sanctification of marriage and spiritual intimacy with marital quality

Document Type : practical


Issues of marriage are continuously investigated by researchers in order to create and improve the quality of marriage. Marital quality is one important marriage variable which predicts durability of marriage. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between attachment styles to God, sanctification of marriage and spiritual intimacy with marital quality in married women among Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz students. The sample included 192 subjects selected by voluntary sampling method. The participants completed four questionnaires Attachment to God Inventory (AGI), Sacred Marriage Inventory, Spiritual Intimacy Inventory, and Quality of Marriage Index. The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression method. The results showed that attachment styles to God indicated negative correlation with quality of marriage. The sanctification of marriage and spiritual intimacy indicated positive relationship with quality of marriage. The result of multiple regression showed multiple correlation coefficients between predictive and criterion variables and this variables predicted 32% of  quality of marriage variance. It is concluded that insecure attachment to God, sanctification of marriage and spiritual intimacy may affect marital quality.


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