Couple styles and self-compassion as predictors for marital satisfaction

Document Type : Original Research


The aim of this study was to examine couple types and self-compassion as predictors for marital satisfaction. Statistical population consisted of all couples with children in guidance school in Tehran among whom 260 married people (130 women and 130 men) were selected by multiple cluster sampling. Data collection instrument was RelationalDimensions Instrument (RDI), Self - Compassion Scale and Enrich Marital Satisfaction Scale. Data analysis was performed through Pearson correlative coefficient and multiple regressions. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between six subscales of self- compassion and couple types (independent and traditional) with marital satisfaction. Also, multiple regression analysis showed that four subscales of self- compassion (self- kindness, self–judgment, common humanity, mindfulness) and couple types (independent and traditional) can predict marital satisfaction (p <0.05). According to these finding, it can be concluded that self- compassion and couple types impact marital satisfaction.


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