واژه‌های کلیدی: روابط دختران و پسران، دختران نوجوان، پژوهش کیفی

Document Type : Original Research


This study was conducted to aim investigate the relation between girls and boys from the perspective of adolescent girls aged 15 to 18. This current study is a qualitative of type case study, and sampling using voluntary method of high school girls’ community from the southern cities of Kerman Province was conducted. The data collective instruments were semi-structured interview (10 participants) and discussion in focus groups (three groups of 6 participants). Data analysis was performed using framework analysis. The findings showed that the adolescent girls proposed girls and boys relationships in three main categories of reasons (personality characteristics, education and social factors), consequences (emotional-mental, social, and family damages, academic and of future commone life problems), and solutions (school, family, and social support). Personal characteristics, education, and social factors affects in the quality of shaping relationship with opposite sex friend from the perspective of the participants and enumerated some consequences for these relationships which the irreparable consequences of this type of relationship will be reduced with training to the adolescents, that this should be considered in mental health program related to adolescents.


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