Effectiveness of Islamic instructions training on Quality Of life and it components in couples

Document Type : Original Research


1 counseling

2 PH.D., dept of counseling &Guidance, Shahid Chamran univrcity, ahvaz.

3 psychology


The aim of current research was the effective of religious instructions training on quality of life of couples referral to Dispute Resolution Councils Ahvaz city. The population of this research included all couples referred to Dispute Resolution Councils Ahvaz city in the 1395 year, who 16 couples were select using a voluntary sampling method and were assigned randomly into experimental and control groups, and responded to the Quality of Life Questionnaire. The design of this study was quasi - experimental of type pre-test, post-test and follow-up with control group. The experimental group couples received religious training during for 8 session, about 90 minutes, and 1 time per week. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods such as covariance analysis and software the results showed. That religious instructions training in the post-test and follow-up stages influenced on quality of life of experimental group couples in comparison to control group. Therefore, religious instructions has increased role in improving the quality of life of couples.


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