Study of the relationship model of family function and problematic Internet with the mediating of self-control and emotional intelligence

Document Type : Original Research


Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


The aim of current study was to investigate the
relationship model of family function and problematic internet with the
mediating of self-control and emotional intelligence in students. 285 Shahid
Chamran University students were selected using randomly clustering sampling
method of 12 classes, and responded to young's Internet Addiction Test (IAT),
Family Assessment Device (FAD), and Bradberry and Greaves Emotional
Intelligence, and Tang et al, Self-control Questionnaire. The data were
analyzed by path analysis, and AMOS statistical software. The results showed
that propositional model is fit sufficient, and all of the paths were
significant except of path to the family function to problematic internet.
Also, self-control, and emotional intelligence as mediating variables have a
important role in prevention of problematic internet.  There for, families can insemination their
children with strengthen self-control and emotional intelligence, against use
of problematic internet


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