Effect of spirituality group therapy on life expectancy and life style’s improvement of breath cancer patients

Document Type : Original Research


1 Payame noor University

2 payame noor university


This study was conducted to aim investigate to the effect of group spirituality
therapy on hope
of and lifestyle in breast cancer
female patients. The present study was quasi-experimental to posttest, and
follow- up design with control group. 30 women with breath cancer were selected
using purposive sampling
method among women with breath cancer at Omid hospital in Isfahan city.
The participants completed the Hope of life and Style Questionnaires
before, after and 45 days after the intervention. Participants in the experiment group received group spirituality therapy during 8 sessions of 2 hours and the control group did not receive intervention.The data were analyzed
using covariance statistical method and SPSS-18 software.
The results showed that the
mean scores of hope of life, and life style in experiment group in compared control
group to increased (p< 0.001) and the maintenance of these two variables has
been preserved over time (p< 0.001). According to the findings could be concluded
that spiritual therapy has a significant
role in improving, and increasing hope of life, and breast
cancer patients life style


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