Parents’ self-efficacy in different types of family regarding: family process and contentmodel

Document Type : Original Research



The aime current study was to compare was the parent self-efficacy in different types of family based on family process and content model survey method was conducted. Population of this study consisted of all parents of children primary schools of Shiraz city. 348 of parents among children were selected using multi-stage cluster random sampling, method and completed Parental self-efficacy, family process, and content model scales. The data were analyzed using analysis of covariance statistical method, and by SPSS-18 statistical software. The findings indicated a is difference in parents’ self-efficacy in different types of family concerning family processand content model; healthy families have more self-efficacy than other types of families; parents’ self-efficacy is seperatly different from those in other types of family in family process and content model: and parents and moters of healthy families; have higher self-efficacy significantly comparing to other types of families. In all, this study showed the validity of categorizing families in family process and content model.
Keywords: Parents’, self-efficacy, family process, family content


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