The study of spiritual components in disabled people with experience of posttraumatic growth

Document Type : Original Research


1 Master of Rehabilitation Consulting at Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Consultation, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran


The aim of current study was to investigate the spiritual components in disabled people with experience of post traumatic growth. The qualitative research method was conducted and using content analysis. The participants were disabled due to car accidents. Participants were first revaluated by the with Tedeschi & Calhoun's (1996) The post-traumatic Growth Questionnaire and then semi-structured interview. Data using open and axial coding was converted to 83 open codes and 22 axial codes. This research is a new understanding of the dimensions of spiritual growth in developed people after the damage in Iranian cultural and religious context. The result of this research showed that disability with all the constraints and problems created for the disabled person but cause changes and spiritual growth in different dimensions.


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