The effect of parent alliance learning self-regulation and social competence in girl adolescents: The Mediating Role of parental involvement

Document Type : Original Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Women Research Center, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 M. A of Educational Psychology, Centeral Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Women Research Center, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


This study investigates the role of parental involvement as a mediator of the relationship between parental alliance and self-regulation of learning and social competence in female adolescents in a correlational design. The study population included all adolescent girls living in Islamshahr, Tehran province. Among these girls, 158 adolescent girls were selected voluntarily to participate in the study. Measurements included the Parental Alliance Scale, Parental Involvement Rating Scale, the Multidimensional Social Competence Scale, and the Learning Self-Regulation Scale. Data analysis was performed using path analysis. The results showed that direct paths are all positively significant, the indirect path showed that parental alliance is significant through parental involvement on self-regulation of learning and the indirect effect of parental alliance through parental involvement on social competence is not significant. Therefore, creating empathy between parents in adopting parenting practices by increasing their level of involvement in performing or advising children for academic and non-academic activities can have positive academic achievements such as increasing self-regulation in learning and social competence


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