Lived Experience Perception of Women with Interpersonal Dependent Husbands and Designing the Couple Therapy Package: An Exploratory Mixed Research

Document Type : Original Research


1 PhD Student of Counseling, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Yazd branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Yazd branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran (Corresponding Author)

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Yazd branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran


This study aims was conducted to validation the lived experience perception of women with dependent husbands and designing a couple therapy package in a exploratory mixed method research with development and classification pattern. The sample in qualitative part included 18 women resident in Isfahan city. 100 qualified experts were selected using purposive sampling method in the quantitative part. Qualitaive data were analyzed test using Colaizzi method in-depth semi-structured interview. Lived experiences of women were categorized in three main themes (psychological abuse, putting pressure on sexual relations, and physical maltreatment against wife) and sixteen subthemes. A couple therapy package was designed based on the extracted categories and a concept and in the quantitative part; the training package was examined in a survey of experts. The results of confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the extracted factors from the qualitative part, and Cohen's Kappa agreement coefficient among the evaluators, and content validity ratio (CVR) indicated the acceptable content of all therapeutic sessions. Research findings of the qualitative part based on the opinion of women with dependent husbands showed three categories of psychological-sexual and physical damage by their husbands, and in the quantitative part, the designed package had the acceptale validity and reliability on the based of consultants and experts' views. Therefore, it can be expect to that therapy package can be improve the marital adjustment of couples with the problem of dependency.


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