Lived Experiences of fathers of Children with ADHD during the coronavirus epidemic: A qualitative Study

Document Type : Original Research


1 department of counseling, Razi university, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Assistant professor, department of psychology, Yazd university, Yazd, Iran.

3 Assistant professor, department of psychology, Payam noor university, Tehran , Iran.


This study aimed to analyze the lived experiences of fathers of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) during the coronavirus pandemic and home quarantine in the first half of 2021. The study was conducted using a qualitative descriptive phenomenology method. At first, 16 participants were selected through purposive and convenience sampling from those who visited a counseling center under the supervision of the Kermanshah Welfare Organization. Data were saturated after semi-structured interviews with 7 participants. Data were analyzed using the seven-step method proposed by Colaizzi. Data analysis led to the identification of 4 main themes, 23 subcategories, and 98 codes. The main themes included mental state, impact on interpersonal relationships, attribution styles, and coping strategies. The findings of the study indicated that fathers of children with ADHD showed different feelings and behaviors during the coronavirus epidemic. These conditions affected different aspects of their quality of life, thinking, and satisfaction. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the development of psychological and counseling interventions and educating parents to enhance the resilience of fathers in situations of crisis


Main Subjects

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