Discovering the theme network of marriage problems in Afghan immigrant boys with drug addicted parent

Document Type : Original Research


1 Counseling Department, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Department of Counseling, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, iran



Having one or two addicted parents in the family creates a wide range of challenges and problems for family members, especially young ones on the verge of marriage. The present study was conducted with the aim of discovering the psychological and social challenges and problems of Afghan boys who are on the verge of marriage and have drug addicted parent and obtaining a network of the themes of these challenges and problems. The research method was qualitative and the research design was thematic analysis. The statistical population was Afghan boys on the verge of marriage with drug addict parent (18 to 23 years old) living in Kerman and its suburbs, among whom 11 young people participated in the research. The method of selecting participants was snowball. A semi-structured interview was used in order to collect information. The findings of the research showed 362 primary codes, 34 basic themes, 9 organizing themes and one overarching theme. The extracted organizing themes were: psychological problems, stigma and social problems, economic problems, legal and regulatory problems, training problems, optimism, resilience, Informative experience, compassion for children of addiction. The overarching theme was the equanimity of these young people. Young people with addicted parent(s) faces many problems, including psychological problems that can disrupt their marriage process. Psychological and educational interventions can be an effective strategy in the field of addiction prevention, help with depression and anxiety, and increase the tenacity and resilience of these young people. According to the findings of this research, it can be concluded that parental addiction has a negative effect on young people's marriage and their common life.


Main Subjects

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