Guide for Authors

Authors Guide

Applied Counseling Bi-Quarterly Journal is a scientific-research journal and publishes articles based on original and up-to-date research findings in the areas of family, rehabilitation, academic, and career counseling. Observing the following points is required to adjust the article.

Title: Concise and content-relevant

Observing the following points in writing the article is necessary:





1. Before writing the article, the author (s) should download the special template file of the journal from the following link. In setting all the steps of writing an article, first, copy the intended section (title, author name (s), etc.) from your article, select that intended section in the template which is marked in red (when selecting the intended section, it turns to light blue), right-click on it, and select Paste Merge Formatting to match the format of the journal. It is obvious that articles which are not submitted in the following format will not be reviewed in any way.

 2. In the submitted articles to the Bi-Quarterly Journal of Applied Counseling, it should be clear that the author(s) have observed the ethical issues in the experimental studies, etc.

3. In case of any conflict of interest between the author(s) and the contents of the article, it should be announced.

4. Considering that all research projects and student theses of universities are reviewed according to the instructions of the University Ethics Committee and a corresponding code is received, therefore, in order to publish an article in this Bi-Quarterly Journal, it is necessary to submit the ethic code, and in case of personal research, to present the minutes of group meetings, signed by corresponding officials.

5. The submitted article should be the result of a research project approved by universities or extracted from a student dissertation and research that has been approved by the department, to be reviewed and published.


Technical Points:

The original manuscript of the article should be set using Microsoft Word software version 2010 and based on the following instructions.

The first part of the article includes the following parts:

1. Main title of the article, name of the author (s) in order of priority, and specification of the corresponding author.

2. Full specifications of authors including academic rank, field of study, affiliation, and also whether this article is an excerpt from a research project or a dissertation, should be attached in the footnote. It is also necessary to mention the number and date of approval of the project or dissertation.

3. The correspondence address, work-place number, cellphone number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author.

4. The article abstract should be up to 300 words including introduction, method, findings, discussion, and conclusion sections along with keywords containing at least three words and at most 6 words.

5. Extended Abstracts include Introduction, Method, Findings, Discussion, Ethical Considerations, Funding, Conflict of Interest, and Acknowledgment and contain less than 1000 words.


The second part of the article includes the following sections:

1. Introduction: Use Bmitra 12 and Times New Roman 10 fonts for Persian and Latin words, respectively. The titles of the sections should be written in the same font and size but in Bold.

2. Method: Use Bmitra 12 and Times New Roman 10 fonts for Persian and Latin words, respectively. The titles of the sections should be written in the same font and size but in Bold.

3. Findings: Use Bmitra 12 and Times New Roman 10 fonts for Persian and Latin words, respectively. The titles of the sections should be written in the same font and size but in Bold.

The titles of the Tables and Graphs should be in the specified part of the text of the findings. The fonts of the texts of Tables and Graphs should be Bmitra11 and Times New Roman10 for Persian and Latin words, respectively, adjusted to fit the Table width.

4. Discussion: Use Bmitra 12 and Times New Roman 10 fonts for Persian and Latin words, respectively. The titles of the sections should be written in the same font and size but in Bold.

5. Conclusion: Use Bmitra 12 and Times New Roman 10 fonts for Persian and Latin words, respectively. The titles of the sections should be written in the same font and size but in Bold.

6. Ethical Considerations: Use Bmitra 12 and Times New Roman 10 fonts for Persian and Latin words, respectively. The titles of the sections should be written in the same font and size but in Bold.

7. Conflict of Interest: Use Bmitra 12 and Times New Roman 10 fonts for Persian and Latin words, respectively. The titles of the sections should be written in the same font and size but in Bold.

8. Acknowledgments: Use Bmitra 12 and Times New Roman 10 fonts for Persian and Latin words, respectively. The titles of the sections should be written in the same font and size but in Bold. The sources of financial support that led to the research and preparation of the article, as well as any technical assistance in this regard should be mentioned in the Acknowledgments.


It is necessary to observe the following points in presenting Tables, Figures and Diagrams:

1. Tables should be designed using the Table tool in Microsoft Word.

2. Tables should not be presented as Images and they should include consecutive numbering.

3. The number of Tables should be mentioned in the text of the article in a sequential order.

4. All the non-standard abbreviations used should be explained in the subtitle of the Tables.

5. The text of the Tables and numbers used should be in Persian.

6. The Diagrams should be designed using Microsoft-Excel software and adjusted in a two- dimensional format without additional borders and decorations. They should be copied in the corresponding Findings section.


The third part includes the following sections:

References (Bibliography): Persian and Latin references and sources used in the text of the article and in the References section should be provided in Latin and based on the style of the latest edition of APA (American Psychological Association).

English Abstract: It should be fully consistent with and accurately translated from the Persian Abstract. The English abstract should contain up to 300 words including the following parts:







Keywords: At least 3 and at most 6 words


The English abstract should contain the name and details about the author (s) including academic rank, field of study, affiliation and correspondence address, work-place phone number, cell-phone number and e-mail address of the corresponding author.


Sources: The references used in the text of the article should be presented according to APA style as follows:

Article: Last name and first letter (letters) of the author’s (s) first name, year of publication, article title, journal name, page number;

Book (Compilation): Last name and first letter (letters) of the author’s (s) first name, year of publication, book title, edition, place of publication, publisher;

Book (Translation): Last name and first letter (letters) of the author’s (s) first name, year of publication of the original text, book title, first and last name of the translator(s), year of publication of the translation, edition, place of publication, publisher.

Websites: First write the URL and then the date of visit in days / months / years order.

The order of content arrangement for qualitative research, analytical and review articles will vary according to the type of article.


Editor Software (Special Text Correction)

APA Guidance File


Sample File