Investigation of Psychometric Properties of Tracy's Personal Globe Inventory

Document Type : Original Research



The present study aims at investigating psychometric properties of Tracy's Personal Globe Inventory (PGI). For this purpose, 633 male and female teachers from Shahrekord elementary, middle and high schools were selected through stratified random sampling. The research instrument was Occupation, Abilities and Occupational Interests Forms of Tracy's Personal Globe Inventory. Data analyses, using RANDALL software and Randomization Test of Hypothesized Order Relations (RTHOR), examining the validity of the circular model, revealed that: 1) The fit of Holland's Six Type Model to the data from male and female; elementary, middle, and high schools; and the total samples were significant, 2) The fit of eight type model of basic interests to data from male and female; elementary, middle, and high schools; and the total samples were significant, 3) Spherical model in all three occupations, abilities and occupational interests' forms fitted the data significantly, and 4) The reliability coefficients, obtained both through test-retest and Cronbach's alpha, showed that PGI is a reliable instrument.


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Volume 1, Vol.1 NO.1
September 2011
Pages 57-78
  • Receive Date: 01 January 2011
  • Revise Date: 08 January 2011
  • Accept Date: 26 February 2011