An Investigation in to the causal model of parental care and inter parental conflict with romantic intimacy and mediating role of inter parental conflict perception and avoidance attachment

Document Type : practical


The family is known as the most important social environment affecting mental and personality development. In this regard, the aim of this study was to test the causal model of parental care and inter parental conflict with romantic intimacy and mediating role of interparental conflict perception and avoidance attachment in students. 164 students at Shahid Chamran University select by multiple stage random sampling, and completed Children’s Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale, The Personal Assessment of Intimacy, Parental Bonding Instrument and Adult Attachment Scale The data were analyzed by the SPSS and AMOS software. The findings showed that the proposed model fitted this study data sufficiently. Better fitness was obtained by omitting non significant paths and using modification indices. Also, some simple indirect effects were significant while others were non significant. According to this study results, it can be said that in the case of interparental conflict, improper paternal care and maternal care lead to the development of avoidance attachment style, decrease in trust and decrease in romantic intimacy in succeeding relationships. A person who witnessed the conflict in the relationship between his parents, is affected by a sense of efficacy for coping, so reducing his coping efficacy caused a feeling of helplessness and self-blame in relation to family perceived conflicts in the person so that encountering problems caused the patient prone to mismanagement of the conflicts in adulthood relationships.


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