Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on increasing marital satisfaction of the veteran and freedman wives

Document Type : Original Research


1 academic staff razi university

2 MA


Family is the base of the human's social life formation and couples play the main role in family. Marital satisfaction is the backbone to have a healthy society. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness acceptance and commitment therapy on increasing marital satisfaction of Veteran and freedman wives in Kermanshah. From the population, 20 people were assigned into 2 experimental and control groups randomly to complete the Enrich marital satisfaction questionnaire. Multivariate analysis of covariance was used to analyze the by spss-21. Findings showed that acceptance and commitment therapy is effective in increasing the marital satisfaction except in subscales financial management, parenting, religious orientation and friends (p≥ 0/05). Since veteran & freedman wives have special condition, acceptance and commitment therapy can help them to enhance their marital satisfaction and take realistic viewpoint in life


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