School Counselors Empowerment Model: A Qualitative

Document Type : Original Research



The aim of the current study was to design a model to empower school counselors. This study was conducted using mixed methods. The population of this study consisted of administrators, counselors, teachers and students in western Azarbaijan. The sample of the study included 48 subjects in the academic year 2012-2013. For the qualitative part of the study, the samples were determined by Saturated Comments and for the quantitative part of the study, 370 subject were randomly selected. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews After analyzing the obtained data, the initial model was designed and showed that intrapersonal factors predicted Vulnerability of Counseling Activities more than any other factors. This shows that among the traumatic factors, most of damages are related to intrapersonal factors such as consulting activities, i.e., school counselor’s performance. Thus, development and introduction of an empowerment model for school counselors which can lead to improved performance in school counseling is suggested to modify these factors.


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