Dimensions of marital quality: Investigating the Predictors of marital interaction components and conflict resolution Styles

Document Type : Original Research


Assistant Professor of Psychology & Education Department Women ‎Research Institute, University of Alzahra, Tehran, Iran‎


The current research administrated with the goal
of studying the dimensions of marital interactions, conflict resolution styles
in prediction marital quality in men and women of Qazvin City. The research is
descriptive-correlation. 149 married women and 150 married men  from five regions of Qazvin City were
selected in two-stage sampling,
and responded to the Revised
Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Texas Tech Relationship Interaction Scale and Conflict
Resolution Styles Questionnaire. The results showed that
there was significant correlation between all the studied variables. The
stepwise regression analysis also showed that exciting activities, salutary
recognition, small-talks, and feedback of
the components of marital interaction
and conflicts
involvement, adjustememt and compatibility, avoidance and withdrawal of
conflict resolution styles can be pridict marital quality. Maintenance behaviors in interaction with spouse and
take an appropriate style in conflict resolution can be
considred as a guarantee of marital
quality, and stabality of couples‎


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