Developing a model of concepts related to the whole family office in anxious and healthy people: a qualitative research

Document Type : Original Research


1 Ph.D Student, Department of Counseling, Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran

2 Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences

3 Associate professor, Department of counseling, Humanities Faculty, University of Bojnord , Iran.


Given the importance of the family institution in Iran and the key role that parents play in establishing and maintaining sustainable families, Therefore, survey family-related concepts is of great importance. Therefore, this study was done to develop a model of concepts related to the whole family office in healthy and anxious individuals with qualitative research and grounded theory. method.qualitatively using the content analysis approach. For this purpose, 10 people were referred to psychiatric clinics and 7 healthy people were selected from Shahroud city in 2009-2010 were studied using purposeful, and theoretical sampling method. The data using semi-structured interviews were recorded, coded and classified in the form of concepts, sub-categories and categories.The findings showed that the perceived sense of injustice and discrimination in anxious individuals in the extended family caused an imbalance in the general office of the family and led to a sense of not being earned and a sense of destructive religion and loyalty. Anxious people had a low capacity to endure failures, while healthy people had a sense of justice and fairness. The sense of belonging of healthy people was to the parents and included the spouse in the intergenerational cycle. They also had a positive mental outlook on both their parents and their relationship. Finally, using the data of two models and based on the contextual-process-intervention theory, three steps were obtained: 1- Investigating justice and fairness in close relationships, 2- Modifying dependencies in close relationships and 3. Strengthen communication in close relationships.


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