Investigating the Relationship Between Unrealistic Relationship Standards and Communication Patterns and their Roles in Predicting Marital Burnout in Divorce Seeking women

Document Type : practical


1 tehran university

2 tehran


Marital relationship is a source of support, intimacy, and pleasure, and hence, many researchers have focused on studying the factors that play a role in its success or failure. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between unrealistic relationship standards with communication patterns and their role in predicting marital burnout in divorce seeking women. This was a descriptive research using correlational methodology. The research population consisted of all the women who had referred to family courts in the city of Tehran during 2013, of whom 188 were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling to participate in this study. The research tools used were the Inventory of Specific Relationship Standards (ISRS), the Communication Patterns Questionnaire (CPQ), and the Couple Burnout Measure (CBM). Findings showed that unrealistic relationship standard and communication patterns were significantly related, and only in mutual avoiding patterns with border criteria a non-significant relationship was observed. Also, unrealistic relationship standards and communication patterns could significantly predict marital burnout in divorce seeking women. Results indicated a positive and meaningful correlation between unrealistic relationship standards and counterproductive communication patterns in divorce seeking women. Moreover, as seeking women divorce engage in more mutual constructive communication patterns, they experience less marital burnout, and vice versa.


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